Originally Posted by MightyDR
Thanks for writing this very informative article. When the trial started I was very interested to see how they tied the Meldish murder to Crea and Madonna. But weeks went by and all I read about were liars and screw-ups by the government. When they were convicted I just figured I missed something. You’ve shown that there was no evidence connecting them to the murder and not only that there was even evidence that it had nothing to do with them.

However, you do seem to take it one step further and imply that Crea et al have nothing to do with organized crime and that the government is targeting them for no reason. I have to ask, do you believe Steven L Crea is a totally legitimate citizen who isn’t a member of the mob?

I did not even focus on that. My focus was on the trial and the person being targeted - Crea - without supportive evidence. End of story. I am not digging into whether or not I believe someone is a member of a secret society which in itself is not a crime. A person would have to be caught committing illegal acts to be charged and as far as Crea is concerned that was not the case. No evidence tied him to the charged criminal acts.

The purpose of my story was not to identify memberships. It was simply to compare evidence versus charges and regardless of membership or not, in this country, you should be charged based on crimes committed not based on manufactured charges.