i have read many articles after the death of vincent gigante stating that the genovese had no official boss since his 2005 death.
some state that daniel leo was acting boss (2005-2007) or until his arrest around that time.then a succesion of acting bosses as part of a panel.
tino fiumara,dom cirillo,lawrence dentico,venero mangano as uboss and so forth.
my questions r how does the alleged most powerful crime family the "ivy league" of the mafia not have a succession plan.
gigante was too smart to just die and leave no plan in place.
#2 if the bonannos can elect a boss as unqualified as michael mancuso while imprisoned to be boss why wouldn't the genovese do the same with bellomo?
bellomo's reputation carries more weight everywhere on the east coast not to mention the family and he had and has a large loyal faction inside the genovese and as fas back as 1990 was seen as the future BOSS.
or#3 was there another boss that we don't know about like tino fiumara,mario gigante,daniel leo,venero mangano.
tino fiumara was on the street i think when gigante died bellomo was not.
is it possible that tino took over then died sept,2010 and bellomo after being released 2008 was the obvious choice post 2010?