Nabil B., the crown witness in the Marengo trial against Ridouan Taghi, among 18 others, refuses to answer questions from lawyers and the Public Prosecution Service, according to the NRC . He will explain the reason for this at the pro forma session next Monday. B. made his point of view known during a hearing on Friday with the examining magistrate.

Nabil B. helped prepare several murders himself, but decided to go to justice in the spring of 2017. His statements, in addition to deciphered PGP chats, are crucial evidence in the process of at least five liquidations.

The examining magistrate who leads the interrogations of the crown witness in the Marengo case has already encountered problems several times about issues that B. does not want to explain, but that the examining magistrate must do. At the moment, B. has no lawyer.

According to the NRC, lawyers for the suspects asked Friday to have Nabil B. held hostage in order to force him to answer. The examining magistrate rejected that request.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"