I normally don't get involved in forum disputes between members, but I feel compelled to make an exception in this case.
A little background on me: I am in my mid 60's, born and raised in the West End of Pittsburgh. Over the years,I've gotten to know some of the local people that we discuss on this board.
Lest you write me off as a wanna be let me say this. I don't claim to be best friends with these guys,and some of the interaction was at social situations,and some BS'ing over drinks in various "clubs". My Father and Uncle were involved in a medium size Numbers operation, and I have friends in the 1% biker community.
Bottom line, I have a little more knowledge and have met a few more connected guys than the average local resident.
But enough about me.
I have no doubt that Friend_of_Henry is exactly who he says he is.In some of the posts we've gone back and forth on.he mentioned things that convince me that he knows the Pittsburgh scene above and beyond the stuff that anybody can find on the Internet. He is the 24 karat "real deal", and by childishly attacking his experience and worse than that attacking him on a personal level,you are only betraying your own ignorance.
Again this is only my opinion,but I'll lay odds that in 5 minutes,this guy can lay out more legitimate first-hand info than can be found in 100 generic on-line forums.
F.O.H does not strike me as a bullshitter. He's lived it,knows it,and I'm sure,holds back a lot more than what he posts.
So with all due respect,lighten up.

Last edited by Lou_Para; 05/14/20 11:57 PM.