In the early 90's, Joey Sodano, soldier in the NJ faction of the Philly family, didn't want to kick up to the family. At one point, he had to be persuaded by his capo Patty Specs to pay a few thousands to the family. Then he kind of went on his own for a few years and when Joey Merlino took over the family, he ordered Sodano to kick up. Sodano wouldn't oblige. I even think he didn't show up to a meeting with Merlino and he was ultimately killed. It's incredible that a made guy who doesn't kick up to the family would stay unpunished for so long.

In the early 2000's, Peter "Petey Chops" Vicini, a made guy with the Gambino wouldn't kick up to his capo Greg de Palma. De Palma and his soldier Robert Vaccaro confronted Vicini and actually beat him pretty badly in a shopping centre.
So that's two offenses : Vicini not kicking up and DePalma/Vaccaro beating up a made guy. Nobody got punished for breaking these rules.