is reporting that US Attorney out of Eastern Michigan requested Meech be kept in because of a double homicide he is being investigated for in Atlanta. It is one of cover stories on GR right now. One of the victims is Anthony “Wolf Jones who if I am not mistaken used to be a body guard for Diddy. I think he was body guard involved in the shooting in the club with Diddy, J-Lo in which Shyne did ten years for. I maybe wrong but I am pretty sure he was involved that night some how. It would appear feds are building a case against Meech for that to lay in him when he is close to getting out in a decade or so. I knew he would have a lot harder time getting early release then his brother would because Meech was way more high profile, a bigger trophy for the feds. That being said T getting out is a shock though because he had over a decade left before he got 6 years taken off through the Trump law. 12 years is a big chunk of sentence when a guy isn’t that old. Few LCN guys got 20 years in age on him and half the time he had left and can’t get out. White privilege my ass.

Last edited by mchang93; 05/08/20 04:53 PM.