Originally Posted by DanD
Actually, they killed his poor girlfriend...

Here's a piece talking about the family's reaction to the suspect getting bail ...


I apologize, I didn’t know any better there.

Legal Weed is at the heart of a lot of the unsaid stuff in these two hits and attempted murder. From what I’m being told there was/is a gold rush legal weed in Canada and all the Government contracts that go with it. Tons of cops, now retired looking to make money

The example I was giving, was to think prohibition of alcohol ending and this being like year four. Now think buying alcohol in grocery stores, tons of money and control.
Substitute weed with alcohol and project forward.

I apologize to the families again.

Are the Musitano into the Legal Weed??

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 05/05/20 12:12 PM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.