The quote that accardo or ricca said that the other one have more brains for breakfast then Capone have for dinner is totally made up by a reporter
Jake gusik never said al Capone was crazy he told the reporters that's what they think (after he visited Capone after his release from alctraz)
Secret phone calls in code from Capone house to Chicago
Am Capone use to sneak to Chicago
Top outfit guys bought houses in florida after Capone was released
When they went to Capone house they held him in a conversation then spoke to Ralph in a seperate room
Al Capone own nephews witnessed outfit meetings with al Capone first hand
Hopefully this movie touch on a few topics

"McGurn likes you, so I make you. So you are now one of us, if you fuck up, we take it out on McGurn. He is your sponsor. Fuck up, it's his ass. You work in his crew, he is your capo."