Originally Posted by VitoCahill
so who moves up to consigliere of the outfit?
does andriacchi come back?if he ever left or is he the boss w/ delaurentis acting as a front?
is it john matassa,peter difronzo or does the position of consigliere in the outfit even exist?
accardo was THE BOSS until his death and although long listed as consigliere accardo took orders from no one and had the final word on all major decisions which has always meant to me that he was THE BOSS.
probably alot that leads to another thread but what the hell.

You are grossly oversimplifying the Outfits leadership. There is always a 3 man panel (or two, during the Mooney years, with him & Ricca and no one else) that is like an elastic rubberband, so to speak. No one has “final word”. All three guys come to an agreement

Another thing, is that each Street Crew operates like its own miniature LCN family. A lot of times in the Outfit, the “top bosses” won’t even get involved in the affairs of the capos, as long as they get massive kick ups. It’s a “figure it out on your own” mentality

Andriacchi has been retired for years & lives mostly on the east coast with his daughter, who is married to a high profile NHL player

Pete DiFronzo is ancient & has been retired from the rackets for over 5 years

Too much focus from a you guys on here toward lightning rod old men that have nothing to do with rackets anymore. The Outfit has been transitioning & getting younger over the past twenty years

As far as Marcos rackets, Tony Dote & Bobby Abbinanti have been manning them for like a decade or more lol. They’re the powerhouses in 2020 Elmwood Park

Of course the Outfit is still around. The Carparelli & Panozzo indictments prove that they still have crews & are still shaking people down, in Illinois & out of state

If I had to pick a “consigliere” to Solly DeLaurentis, I’d go with Dino Marino, who is Solly’s eyes & ears

Last edited by TheAngel; 04/27/20 01:11 PM. Reason: Improved post