I enjoyed this interview. Interesting he still wanted to be “disguised”. Never knew he had a second son which he named after Salvatore Testa. I could tell he got emotional when talking about Testa and saw him swipe his picture away at one point. Then the interviewer highlighted that moment again after the interview. I remember watching another interview when Leonetti and got got choked up for a split second when talking about Testa (the A&E video and it’s almost impossible to catch). Just hammers home how senseless and tragic the Testa hit was. Also was interesting when he mentioned all the young eager guys talking about how they would have helped if they knew there was a hit on Sal. I’m not sure if I believe that Leonetti opposed the hit at the time, but I think he feels really bad about it now that he sees how everything turned out. You can hear his emotion when it got brought up.

Last edited by Salvie84; 04/27/20 04:04 AM.