Carmine was known to have guys made when books were closed and he also knew it could be a problem because he had his brother made in a another family then transferred.

Orena’s are blood and although they say distant cousins the blood feud between Perscio”s and Orena’s was over after lil Allie went away this last time.

The Orena’s are invited to family functions and are able to use the families property’s and are up the farm upstate often now days, you have to remember that there are a ton of woman in that family that have been holding blood business together and are no push overs .

One of them probably Joyce put her foot down and all the kids are aloud to use the up state property to ski and snowmobile and in summer use the facilities up there and like i said its been years since they have been mingling the blood back together.

Last edited by Serpiente; 04/22/20 05:17 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."