another bull shit point Alite brings up as well as the kid Borello does is that to be a true gangster you had to of hurt people, committed armed robberies, dealt drugs and used a gun. that is such bull shit.
the mob is all about making money. there are plenty of high level respected wise guys that dont and never engaged in any cowboy bull shit. violence and killing is last resort. they come across as brainless thugs when they talk like that. the big money is in construction. these 2 idiots are out there playing “ boys in the hood”. true wise guys have legitimate business’s. look at any campos and richie martino. andy is a fuckin multi millionaire and would’nt waste two minutes with those 2 knuckleheads. Campos is respected.
i know for a fact, if this kid Borello would acted like that in the 80’s even early 90’s, he would of been visited by 2 guys with thick necks and given not only a bitch slapping but they would of told him to
stop watching good fella’s and told to hop on a plane to canada. no way they would of put up with that bull
shit. Alite did in fact get chased out of howard beach and he has balls talking about One Arm while he is away. give me s break.

Last edited by Lenox; 04/16/20 11:30 PM.