Alite talks about how he changed but then jumps right into how much of a tough guy he was and “ how he got his hands dirty”. Why does he constantly feel the need to bring up how tough he was and why does he always need to bring up Jogn Gotti Jr ???
C’mon Alite, enough with the tough guy talk. All the legit mob guys were involved in solhisticated operations, bullying vulnerable and weak people makes you a predator. If Alite really changed, he would stop bringing up all this tough guy shit.
He then tells everyone how bad the mob is and how guys still try and act like mobsters but then Alite wears a suit with sunglasses and smokes a cigar and makes sure his picture is taken in his mobster atire. Whats up with that.
Regarding how tough he was ? He never boxed in a controlled environment such as amateurs or golden gloves. He never wrestled in high school. Who exactly were the guys Alite hurt? Im sure they werent tough guys. He went after weak and vulnerable people. He sexually assaulted his contractor in south jersey, the contractor was defenseless. He sexually brutalized the poor guy.
How many guys did Alite attack from behind while he was pumped up on drugs?
The other guy Borello claims he was the only guy in his neighborhood that the mob chose to collect money. Truth is, he was the only guy DUMB enough to get used and taken advantage of. He was also a total scumbag and low life. Hey, i was no angel but i had a code. I would never commit a home invasion, thats the most low life crime just above hurting a child. He is a total fuckin loser and a scumbag. Although in his defense, he was a ballsy kid and i dont think he had too much of a father figure at home so i really shouldnt judge.
I do agree with him though about Franseze who i think is a spoiled brat.

Last edited by Lenox; 04/16/20 03:48 PM.