What might have been....perhaps glimpses of “loose side of Michael”!

The Godfather

  • Michael and Kay
after “The Bells of St. Mary's” at Radio City Music Hall -

Kay: Mike, would you like me better if I were a nun? Like in the story, you know?
Michael: (after pausing) No

Kay: Then would you like me better if I were Ingrid Bergman?
Michael: Now that's a thought...

  • Michael and Clemenza
during Clemenza tutoring Michael about the noisy gun to kill Sollozzo and McCluskey -

Clemenza: All right, you shot them both Now what do you do?
Michael: Sit down, finish my dinner...

  • Michael and Apollonia
Sicily scenes

The Godfather II - deleted scene [what Olivant said above]
Sonny's daughter Francesca and fiancé Gardener Shaw

This was a really nice scene indeed showing Michael having a heart! as the loving, caring family man, joking and laughing as opposed to the ruthless, murderous Mafia Don

Sadly, it also showed how Fredo was not part of Family matters nor Family business nor....“And Fredo -- well -- Fredo was -- well --”