Mad how fish still got witsec when he blatantly held stuff back eh. Isn’t that rule 1 of the ratting process?

I suppose fish was a brokester gofer of fat tony who had no bodies so it wasn’t like he was getting life was it..

I never understood why he flipped and lost all his family over some minor beef with fat Tony over a small amount of money where Tony said he’ll hit him with a stick or something- made no sense. He owed Tony his livelihood and button. No good deed eh...

A lot of guys got stung due to charity case projects like fish. Look at vinny gorgeous and that crazy junkie he made capo who ratted immediately - forgot his surname Dom something. He should’ve barely been on the peripherals let alone made.

Least Tony soprano got some bodies out of Chrissy and his loyalty for that charity case project that lasted 6 seasons lol.