That’s true they were hard headed with Jackie Sr the only one with the charisma and power to be the boss. What an actor senior was may I say - would’ve loved to have seen him in more flashbacks. Was weird watching Tony be subservient to him in the flashbacks. Tony was subservient to no one for all of the series really.. maybe slightly to NY but even then he went to war with NY and even pushed back against Carmine Sr.

And Chris should’ve been whacked in the first 3 seasons man.

And giacamo surely violi and rizzutos probably win the most deaths in the family Jesus Christ. What about the 2 Genovese guys thrown off a roof just to be made examples of on the no drug rule by chin? Imagine being a close family member and within the space of 2 weeks both of them thrown off a roof. Regardless of all the persons deeds I would always feel for the family. I would feel for the gangster too if all his crimes were non violent (no bodies)!!!