I'm not a fan of censorship at all, so I don't agree with the film being pushed back and almost banned. However, I will say I was surprised it was pushed back at all. Being that this film is anti-right wing politics, it mostly gets a pass from the media and other outlets. In saying that, this film portrays itself as a comedy but is nothing more than a veiled attempt to attack anyone who is a conservative, Republican, or Trump supporter. It uses the same logic as someone who offends another with their words and then in an effort to justify it, without apologizing, simply saying, "I was joking." Same premise here. The movie tries to and fails to satire both sides of the aisle but as can be seen from the premise, characters, and violence against those "deplorables" (the film's own description of said characters), it's quite clear who the intended audience of this film is. Not to mention every one of the deplorables is showcased as ignorant, uneducated, redneck, trailer trash, gun-toting, nut jobs. I mean, Heaven forbid an educated personal could actually have a conscience and be a conservative/Trump supporter. Further liberal agendas are pushed and peppered throughout such as white guilt, anti-gun, global warming, and atheism. The only character who is being hunted and can say her ABC's correctly is a white woman, so you know how "woke" this film is (Brie Larson would be proud by the way). The final fight between said character and Hillary Swank is a poor man's Jackass scene. Overall, this film is anything but a comedy and does nothing more than to continue dividing us as a country. I can only imagine the backlash this film would have received had it been about a group of rich, white, men hunting liberal minorities. The media would be running with it, saying how dangerous and off the rails it is and to follow suit, major movie theaters (such as AMC, Regal, and Cinemark) would even fail to run it due to the "controversy" surrounding it and it would be relegated to VOD, where it would die a quite death. Unfortunately, the same didn't happen here. 2/10