Most of the information I present comes from people that are/were or do know very high ranking Masons around the world. I’m pretty sure, criminals can be Masons as well lol, unless that impossible in Canada lol.

This Trudeau guy is one, as far as the other stuff, I don’t know the guy or care? David Icke?? is he a Mason. You wanna focus on that or the martial arts points lol. It’s a front, like real estate, tattoo shops, restaurants, whatever. Drugs are one thing, human being are another thing, especially women and children.

Sex trafficking is part of the business model of criminals, no denying that. There is also the trend of Missing and Murder Women in Canada, some of the things that have been going on, is being suggested are part of that. There has been a huge inquiry into it for the last couple of years. Some of these people are involved, it may be hard to except, for your own reasons.

Bikers consider women as property, are know as pimps, the mobsters that act like them are the same, they deal drugs and run gambling rackets as well. Unless of course that is impossible as well, same thing as Hamilton being a access point to move drugs, also great for moving women and children.
Same as the martial arts front, of course, if that’s impossible as well, because you don’t understand what I’m sharing, or why people would care about this or just want to keep all this silent. In the end, it’s not gonna matter what you or anyone else thinks or says or does, this is already done.

I can’t provide any specific names of people that are directly involved in it, they won’t give it to me, for obvious reasons.

The Ndragheta in that Provincia specifically related to Verducci, Railway Street and the dead Commisso, has provided the Holy Mother, Stella and Michael with all the info Reggio needs (Maria).

The Sigs from Racalmuto, West Coast just like Rizzuto, but not Rizzuto, know that the Snake was feed at 3 times, once in Montreal and twice in Hamilton. It refuses to digest the demon seed, until the Queens are crowned.

Masonry is allegoric, so this is no difference. Putting this out here on a mobster forum, with all these eyes, as well as the reactions, or lack of them, has and is priceless. Yourself included OP, so they thank you, as well as anyone else.

I’ll bring up the name Joe Ertel, HA President of Ontario, someone should direct him here or his Rabbi Harold, and see if he knows what going on in his Provincia?? It like Pharaoh and the Angel of Death 💀 and they are or aren’t covered in One Blood.

He is the guy in the center with his arms crossed.

You should get in Touch with the Frantellaza Racalmuto Club in Hamilton, if you want to understand, otherwise, what your problem with the sharing of information, with the intent of at least protecting the Holy Innocents?? Use these names if you want, ask about Dottore Agro, Padre Bohnomme, as well the Vinny Omertà in Buffalo, another Sig from Racalmuto from Railway Street, see if they know/remember who their sponsor/father is.

If you or anyone can convince them, that you are One Blood like the people who already know what this means, they probably will even tell you my name. So, if you or anyone else is looking to cut off this opinion or the people who have selected me to post/share this info. There you go, I’ll stop posting in the threads you create from here, sorry again. Everyone I have been observing thanks you for your Cop like charts, and interesting timing of your original post on this forum.

Sei una scimmia nella nostra scatola
🐵 🐒 🍌 🐍 🐀
Giocare con mio...sono giocare con vostre
Blood for Blood 🩸 A Presto!!!!!

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 03/07/20 12:06 AM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.