Originally Posted by pmac
those guys are all multi millionairs with diverse porfolios. they all had legit businesses and real estate. they owned car dealerships, truck companys all types of shit. they have pensions. those guys were loaded. they retire but there blood family is still running the business

He possibly can keep the legitimate stuff he acquired and all the family business stays with family.

Now this doesn’t always work ,it all depends on how much you kick along the way and who you are and how important you are to the family.

But someone like him was aloud to semi-retire and keep his legitimate stuff and possibly some of his gains along the way.

But remember he or them are only semi-retired ,and can be called back if shit hits the fan.

Last edited by Serpiente; 03/05/20 07:33 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."