Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Revis_Knicks

$1.5 billion in assets taken from the Polverinos in 2011. Do the Nuvolettas, Zazas or Casalesi have money like that?

The Polverino's have much more capital in Quarto, Tarragona, Alicante and Málaga (Spain). In Spain their investments are more safe, they don't have the tough anti-mafia laws or seizures. Many Nuvoletta veterans who had the experience and know-how started to work for Polverino.

In rhe early 1990s there was a meeting with the Polverinos (that was at time a crew of Nuvolettas),the Nuvoletta still free and the Orlandos and was decided to creare a new clan the Polverino-Nuvoletta-Orlando with Giuseppe Polverino aka the baron as boss. Only assetts of Giuseppe Polverino was 1 bilioni Eurostar when was captuted in 2012. In 2019 the guardia civil arrested Vallefuoco the clan chief of operations in Spain.