Originally Posted by The Last Woltz
Originally Posted by Capri
So what we saw in the movie the fact that Michael was alone in Cuba, except for Bussetta is clearly false confused

Right. I'm speculating. Just because you don't see anyone in the movie but Bussetta doesn't mean he was Michael's only support. Most of what we talk about here goes beyond what's on the screen.

But we do know that Michael had a driver, a plane and a pilot. He correctly believed that his plane was "the only way out of here tonight." His life depended on getting out of Cuba ASAP, plus he remained confident that they would work for him even with Bautista's men trying to kill him and, as it turned out, even with the government being overthrown. I don't believe that he would have had that trust in people he randomly found at the concierge desk at the hotel. Those were guys he trusted, not hired hands.

True, my theory that Michael had plan to get away even if Bautista hadn't abdicated is more speculative. But it is rooted in the nature of the characters we see on the screen. Michael was cunning, cautious and stragetic. It would be hugely out of character that he would have "twigged" to Roth's plan and then walked right into it without so much as a single bodyguard. OK, he had arranged a separate car, but that would only have helped him if he made it to the car in the first place (and if the driver was prepared to out-gun Michael's military escort). Did Michael expect a team of assassins have let him simply decline their offer of a ride and go about his way? Surely, Roth would have made sure they would have kept a close eye on Michael. Could Michael have failed to realize that?

I don't think so, which is why I believe that Michael had an off-screen escape plan.

Just because you don't see anyone in the movie but Bussetta doesn't mean he was Michael's only support or means just that

How can he have guys he trusted, in foreign Havana? his plane was "the only way out of here tonight he still has to get to the airport Michael's plans worked because the government being overthrown No Batista resignation ride in the team of assassins car like Tessio Driver, separate car, private plane, pilot no use

If he had an off-screen escape plan, what would it have been?