Originally Posted by Turnbull
Roth's plan to have him whacked after the Presidential party was best case--as was his plan to have Michael whacked at Tahoe. But, as we saw, Roth was nothing if not resourceful. He would have quickly come up with another plan to kill Michael. Look how, after having a stroke, nearly being killed by Buscetta and having to leave Cuba, he still almost snared Michael in a perjury trap!
I believe, the incredibly resourceful and astute Roth would have already had in place [not that Michael would survive! the Tahoe machine gun fire in such a confined space of a bedroom] all the below which would have come up in Roth's meticulous preparation, to bring Michael down

Plan A – Tahoe bedroom shooting
Plan B – Michael's murder in Havana
Plan C – Senate hearing / brilliant perjury trap

I believe, Roth “quickly coming up with another plan to kill Michael” would be very difficult and not quite as believable “as Roth's best plan to have him [Michael] whacked after the Presidential party” - Michael's terribly unfortunate death

Roth's any other plan of “an unexplained violent death” would have certainly raised significant suspicions that Michael was the only one who got killed unlike the military car which the rebels attacked because the rebels thought the car was carrying important military personnel or similar

It would have been Questadt who got the Senate hearing - which I believe was already put in place by [now 'stateless'] Roth - going and “almost snared Michael in a perjury trap!”

Originally Posted by Turnbull
You probably saw a thread I started a while back whose point was that Batista's resignation probably saved Michael's life. The assassins assigned to kill Michael no doubt were lurking inconspicuously at the Presidential party to make sure Michael didn't run out on them or change his plans. Wouldn't have mattered if Roth lived or died because they took their orders from Batista, who had no reason to tell them Roth was the instigator. But, after Batista resigned, the assassins were more worried about saving their own asses than about nailing Michael's.
Sure thing Turnbull “Batista's resignation probably saved Michael's life”
However nobody could have predicted Batista's resignation that night, New Year's Eve

If not for Geary's question to Fredo “where did you find this place?” [Superman club] Michael couldn't have been able “to find out who the traitor was”

Originally Posted by Turnbull
What obsessed Michael after the shooting was: who was the traitor in his family who was complicit in the attack?
So Michael as obsessed as he was after the Tahoe shooting: to find out “who was the traitor in his family who was complicit in the attack?” would act among others as below, seems implausible to me

1. put Michael's life at risk
2. took an extremely dangerous and uncharacteristically reckless chance in a foreign country
3. with little or no protection
4. knowing Michael was a marked man – New Year's Eve assassination
5. no guarantee the answer of the traitor was in Havana - Roth's kinda town
6. Michael could still find out the traitor back in Tahoe – just a matter of time
7. still has to get to the airport for the private plane