Corleone mandamento

The Corleone mandamento, located in the south of Palermo province, is formed by the Corleone, Prizzi, Roccamena, Bisacquino and Campofiorito families. This area is famous for the bloody escalation of the so-called 'Corleonesi' at the beginning of 1980s. However the 'Corleonesi' faction within Cosa Nostra was not formed solely by members of the Corleone crime family, it was an alliance between several bosses from both Palermo city and province and among them the most powerful were the bosses of Corleone. According to the turncoat Buscetta, before the 1980s the Corleone family was an ordinary crime group of Cosa Nostra among several others present in the Palermo province. In 1958 when Michele 'Our Father' Navarra, the old boss of the Corleone family, was gunned down, Luciano Leggio, who planned the murder, took over the family and became the new boss after a mafia war which left about 150 dead and finished in 1963.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"