Originally Posted by Lana
Michael turned up in Havana without the $2 million, the 'little gift' to Batista probably padded with Roth's commission!

Perhaps the money was to be payment to Batista for having his thugs kill Michael. Nice touch: Michael pays for his own demise!

Then why would Michael get Fredo to bring the money after witnessing the rebel blowing himself up and his statement “the rebels could win”

Michael already knew, he only had until the New Year's Eve to string Roth along / chance of finding out the traitor in the family [with or without the money] both Michael and Roth having made arrangements and believing the other “will never see the New Year”

Michael needed to keep stringing Roth along until the very end because a) he needed time, until the very end, to find out who the traitor was; and b) Roth could have had him whacked at any time--including well before the presidential New Year's Eve party--if he was certain he wouldn't get the $2 million. The possibility of the $2 million was the only thing keeping Michael alive in Havana.

This sequence points up a major theme of the Trilogy: Greed blinds people. Michael's greed for Roth's Havana gaming empire blinded him to signs that Roth was plotting against him (like, why would Roth interest himself in a two-bit beef between the Rosato brothers and Pentangeli over three territories in the Bronx?). Roth's greed for the $2 million blinded him to signs that Michael was onto him (like, not bringing the money and predicting that the rebels would win).

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.