Originally Posted by Revis_Knicks
Who are some of the most known and successful SCU members that have come along since their existence?

In 1987 the SCU was composed of the most representative families of the Brindisi area led by Salvatore Buccarella, Alberto Lorusso, Giovanni Donatiello, Giuseppe Gagliardi and Ciro Bruno (repentant died in prison in 2019) and some offshoots in the province of Taranto.

In the 2000s Francesco Campana took over the reins of the organization from the historical leaders.

The first degree is the "picciotteria", the next the "camorrista", followed by "sgarrista", "santista", "evangelista", "trequartista", "medaglione" and "medallion with chain of the major society". They are degrees of clear 'Ndranghetista matrix.

On 16 June 2018 an operation was concluded against the Mercante-Diomede and Capriati clans of Bari in which the use of these rites is confirmed

Eight medallions with chain make up the "Most Secret Society" which commands a special body called the "Death Squad".

It must be specified that this pyramid of roles has above all a symbolic value: often the power held by the individual affiliate does not actually correspond to its position in the formal hierarchy.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"