Some additional info I was able to garnish, regarding Hamilton as a nexus, for contraband flowing to Canada and USA side of the borders.

It appears there is a Casino in Niagara Falls, Canada, self implies money, demand for entertainment, women etc. Also near Detroit and Windsor is a reservation called Wapole, it is like a canoe ride to cross the border.

In the past, Hamilton was very popular for Strip Clubs, travelling and working the Niagara Falls or Toronto was common. I don’t think Hamilton has any Strip Clubs, if a dancer was popular, it could create a climate, that could generate lots of money.

The Casino, is a climate where, demand for dancers, etc, tends to always high. Getting supply from the USA side of the border as well, creates a high priced market. Also, requires working partnerships.

Distribution routes and access points aka logistics, regardless of product, are coveted.

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 02/16/20 12:17 PM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.