Originally Posted by Serpiente
Club Madrid

Was what used to be were Angeloni’s is now and Dante is right about most casinos restaurants and back in 80’s the restaurants that came were run by very good chefs until time and money got in the picture and casinos promoted from within and got rid of all the expensive chefs that they used to have to employ to get a good restaurant going.

Club Madrid some of my blood worked there and a few Ducktown chefs came threw there then Alam A father and brother came down from Trenton and opened up # II but it was for Alan the entire time but his father put a side his very lucrative custom home building career to get the restaurant off and running .

Funny thing the old man stayed and when he did go home he semi retired a couple years later and was back in Ducktown.

Great days !

And Club Madrid seen much much more mob activity then Angeloni’s ever did .

Can I ask who is Alan from Trenton? Thanks.