Originally Posted by pmac
phil was made in 86 and by 87 was in prison doing like 40 yrs joey merlino gets made in 1992 by stanfa so it wasnt that far between. scarfo close the books once he went to jail in 87 and merlino trys to kill scarfos son in 89 so i dont think scarfos care takers where thinking of even inducting merlino good thing the gambnos put stanfa in position

Found an old article from 1989 says Phil is 26. So still in 86 he would have been 23 or 24 .
Still very young.
They posted the 1982 philly chart on Instagram. And some ask about Joey merkino wasnt even on the chart. And someone said he was to young. Than I brought up Phil Narducci is on the chart. Trying to make a point age had nothing to do with it Phil
and Joey were the same . What waste of time.