Henry hill states in one of his interviews that paulie vario was a powerful captain believed underboss at one time but a leader in the luchese's for sure, was not his crew leader. Henry said he was in a crew that belonged to the lucchese and boss of that crew was jimmy burke. Henry said his crew had around 20 guys. This crew reported to paulie vario there boss. Its well known burke was the only irishman to run a crew in the italian mob. My question is was the Roberts lounge crew an irish crew, mixed ital/irish, what? Frenchie McMahon was a member and from hells kitchen. Kind of like a westie removed crew member. Does anybody know all the members of the crew? Henry never mentions anyone outside of the ones murdered after the robbery, jimmy, tommy and himself. Is the Robert's lounge crew a true the burke operated in the way a made man capo runs a crew? Ive heard a lot of people say so, thoughts?