Originally Posted by LuanKuci
It’s hard to believe that the Bonannos (even in the midst of the Massino catastrophe) would allow such a profitable offset of their family to cut itself off and run independently.

That's assuming there was anything the Bonannos could do about it. You've got an international border in your way for starters, so it's not as easy as a bunch of Staten Island wiseguys taking a quick road trip into Montreal to lay down the law on their erstwhile brothers in crime. Would they even know who to go looking for up there, or where to find them? Or who they are?

Particularly at their peak, the Rizzutos built a group that was enormous; the actual number of "made" men (if they are even made in Canada, in the American LCN sense) may be small but the number of associates according to court documents goes well into the hundreds. Not to mention hundreds more equally fearsome allies. And while American LCN has learned to operate in the shadows of RICO laws and that murder is bad for business; there are no such similar laws in Canada; as anyone can see it's still the Wild West in the Quebec Mafia, there have probably been more mob related murders in Quebec in just the past two years than in all of New York in the past ten.

My point is anyone (like Salvatore Montagna) who thinks they're going to come up from NYC and tell the Rizzutos what to do will probably be recieved similarly - i.e. they will be sent home in a bodybag.

Hollywood audiences may place weight in what the boss of the Bonanno family has to say, but the head of the Rizzuto crew/clan/family whatever they consider themselves to be, apparently do not. I would be shocked to learn that either Rizzuto or Sollecito would give two damns what Mikey the Nose has to say. That's the difference between the Hollywood image and the reality of the situation.

If you read the Court Transcripts which included wire conversations between Massino and Vitale (on the subject of the murder of Gerlando Sciascia), you would even be inclined to believe that Massino was more afraid of Rizzuto than vice versa. These transcripts are referenced in Mafia Inc. and in the Sixth Family. You can probably find them online as well.