Originally Posted by Revis_Knicks
I felt the same way about them getting made. I think it is implied that they were but we just didn’t get to see the ceremony. So I don’t take much exception with that. This was in the 40s also so I think that the mafia had a real sense of being family driven and tight knit at the time as well which is why Vito only trusted Clemenza and Tessio to be his capos. Vito was not a greedy man like Michael ended up being. So I do not think he would have minded it if his capos started their own family eventually because he trusted them.
My take, for what it is worth!

I believe Vito “would have minded it if his capos started their own family” alongside the Corleones especially as he needs “trusted Clemenza and Tessio [!] to be his capos”

Vito would let the above happen, only once the Corleones were no longer in New York ie: not in coexistence with the Corleones

In my view, Vito always the ‘nice’ guy
Vito says a lot of things he doesn’t mean nor have any intentions of implementing, even when detrimental to Michael