Seems like some Scottish Rite Masons out of the Lodge on Queen Street in Hamilton, were involved John Ludwig who is associate with Red Devil Rick Joslin, were involved. Someone from that lodge, and that style of Masonry is stating the some Worshipful Master with last name McGowan is at the heart of all this. They have ties to dynastic families in Canada, Richardson on the East Coast, Thompsons our West were part of the plot on eradicate Rizzuto. Also ex police officers Paul Manning and Stephen Metelsky, are involved as well. Paul Manning is a ex cop who has been attempting to expose corruption in Hamilton police.

Metelsky is professor at Mohawk College in Hamilton, was a Halton cop that was, investigating Violi, but stopped prior to there arrest. Then he became an expert on the Musitano and was quoting in Hamilton Spectator predicting the death of Albert Iavarone. I heard of rats in Violi in 2015, Zane Watson I think is the name.

The cops have a friend is PEI, Paul Abel ex biker now MMA coach, tight with Bacchus, that now is in Hamilton. Paul Abel’s partner Jason Figliano also owns a MMA club in Bolton, he is a Mason and works with the Peel Police, it’s on Facebook. Also one of the shooters may be a Peel Cop from Hamilton, named Gavin Hesson. Trigger on one or both of HA Nomads out of Hamilton shot in 2016, both survived.

There is the RCMP in Stoney Creek, which is specialized OC, seems Cops in their are part of this, ties to both the local cops and bikers via the Scottish Rite on Queen Street. Which is also tied to Legal Weed, both Serrano and Tony Large were killed/attempted for this

The are saying that a local kid Josh Hill, whose family is suppose to be half Papalia and half Musitano, was/is a front for the people, who have attacked Musitano and Luppino within these circles . From the people that seem to know, say these Hills aren’t Papalia at all.

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 01/18/20 05:20 PM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.