az the fbi illgeally bugged abunch of mafia clubs and offices in the the 60tys, theres a book about sammy the plumber decavalacante in new jersey they published his whole 1 or 2 yrs of just gossip in his plumber company office where guys would come and go. they had rays office on atwlls ave bugged for like 1yr it all in those files the guy linked its along and heavily redacted read but tis there, thats why surposely ray wanted to kill his brother cause he was in charge of secruity of the shop and a soldier i forgort his name he was based in providence got whacked cause he wanted the government to head over the illegal taped they made so he could use it in his irs tax trial and ray said no and the guy wanted to bring it to the commission in ny so ray had him killed his nickname was the fox or something he was very well liked but he went aginst the boss. they also had gerry A nightclub in the dangerzone bugg to. all the ugs were illegal and the feds couldnt use the info to build cases it happend all over the country. i forgot why only sammy the plumbers illegal bugs were published i think the new york times or someone sued for freedom of info act back then