Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Irishman, some other good horror and thrillers of the past decade.

Don't Breathe
Gerald's Game (based off a Stephen King novel)
The Blackcoat's Daughter
Cabin in the Woods ( to me that was a fun ride)
Das Letzte Schweigen (this a German one)

Thanks for the recommendations Giacomo. DON'T BREATHE and CABIN IN THE WOODS I've seen and need second viewings of (they're on my list). GERALD'S GAME and BABADOOK I wasn't a big fan of after seeing them once and don't have much of a desire to sit through again (although BABADOOK I probably owe it since it has been so well received). THE BLACKCOAT'S DAUGHTER I've likewise seen but was forgettable to me. DAS LETZTE SCHWEIGEN I've never heard of.