Originally Posted by m2w
another possibility is that caruana-cuntrera's and rizzuto's are not allied, so the murder of agostino cuntrera was committed by rizzuto loyalists and the two groups are fighting eachother, and siderno group is also divided, some support one faction and some the other

I don't know whether the Caruana-Cuntrera group and Rizzuto loyalists are allied in Quebec and Ontario at the moment or whether they always were. Liborio Cuntrera's being identified at one point as part of a mafia roundtable in Montreal might lend support to the argument that those two groups were and are allied, as does the strong theory that the Caruana-Cuntrera group were responsible for the disappearance of Giuseppe Renda, who had thrown his support behind Sal Montagna. (Recall that the New York–born Renda's parents were paesani of the Rizzutos.)

In Daniel Renaud's Cellule 8002 vs mafia book, a chronological chart of the godfathers and leaders of the Montreal Mafia shows Agostino Cuntrera sandwiched between Paolo Renda (leading from 2006 to May 2010) and Nick Rizzuto Sr. (leading from July to November 2010). So police sources and other sources place Cuntrera as a leader of the Montreal Mafia for June 2010 only -- Renda's, Cuntrera's and Rizzuto Sr.'s murders coincided with the end of their respective tenure. This is why I don't think Cuntrera was murdered by Rizzuto loyalists.

Cuntrera had ties with Carmine Verduci of the GTA Siderno Group, and Rocco Sollecito had ties to 'ndrangheta members who descended from the Locride -- I don't think the ties are what made Cuntrera and Sollecito targets for murder.