Originally Posted by m2w
Originally Posted by mike68
Remind me who is gunning for the Commisso's?

in the wiretaps calabrian bosses in italy said 'the sicilians' but it is not known yet to whom they referred, probably the rizzuto's or caruana-cuntrera's

If we knew who was targeting whom, as well as who is allied with whom, we could all quit our day jobs.

The book Business or Blood had appeared to convincingly argue that the Caruana-Cuntrera group in the GTA had allied itself with the GTA Siderno Group against Vito Rizzuto and his loyalists. In Canada and Italy, criminal collaboration between the Caruana-Cuntrera clan and the Siderno Group has been a fact for many decades. Now, whether the alliance described in the book proved in time to be factually correct is another question altogether; there are also the possibilities that, if the alliance was indeed in place, the Caruana-Cuntrera group resumed being loyal to the "Sicilian" group in Montreal, and/or components of the GTA Siderno Group did the same.

My opinion is that for a little more than 20 years, the seven 'ndrine that make up the Siderno Group in the GTA haven't been in agreement with one another about its relationship with a Montreal Mafia that was led by Vito Rizzuto and, after his death, by his loyalists. Recall that Humphreys and Lamothe's The Sixth Family explained that, in 1998, the Commissos in the GTA allowed the Rizzuto organization to establish more of a foothold in Ontario because the two crime families were allies. I also see more and more evidence of dissent within the GTA Siderno Group that has led to internecine violence over the last six years or so.

From Rocco Muscari's Italian-language article published August 12, 2019 in the Gazzetta del Sud (Calabria edition, p. 17) (the excerpt below contains a very small portion of the transcript of the wiretaps):

Afferrato il riferimento si collocava la vicenda nell'ambito di una scissione operata da qualche appartenente ai clan calabresi, alleatosi «con i siciliani» presenti in Canada: una coalizione che, di fatto, poneva quei soggetti in contrapposizione con i loro stessi interessi criminali. È al gruppo dei "siciliani", infatti, che secondo uno dei conversanti sarebbero da imputare una serie di azioni violente commesse contro i componenti del "Siderno Group of Crime", come ad esempio la bomba al bar di Co'", l'incendio del locale di "Gimi" e l'uccisione del nipote di "Remo Commisso":«Loro sono arrivati e sono entrati diretti; che gli ha detto che comanda lui. Gli hanno buttato il bar; da Gimi gli hanno messo fuoco; voglio vedere se comando io. Ma chi c...o [cazzo] sei tu? Gli hanno messo fuoco alla Road Food ... gli vuoi mettere fuoco a tutti. Perché se non hanno un motivo valido, che vai a fare una cosa, che gli hanno messo la bomba nel bar del Co* (Cosimo) "».