Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Lana

If that was not proof for Tessio that Michael was “more than qualified to be the new don” confront Barzini, stop Barzini encroaching into Corleone territories and win

Well, Don Tessio!

This raises an interesting point:Both the movie and the novel say that part of Vito's (and Michael's) strategy was to act weak--the better to make their enemies underestimate them, and, perhaps, to draw out traitors. The novel says both Tess and Clem gave Michael credit "for a bravura performance with the Turk and Solozzo," but they also concluded that Michael "lacked force." Well, acting weak put Tess and Clem to the loyalty test: Clem passed, Tess failed and paid the price, as did the other Dons who were fooled by weak-act.

But, couldn't we also conclude that, by acting strong, Michael could have deterred treason and kept the other Dons from encroaching on his territory? Didn't acting weak encourage betrayal and embolden the other Dons to take advantage?
My take, for what it is worth!

What was of utmost importance - the Corleones [Vito] needed to re-establish their glory, standing, reputation etc. that they are smart not weak and crumbling like everyone says That ain't the way they wanted it! that the Corleones were leaving New York on their own terms

The Corleones were being trampled by the other families and the Corleones strategy of acting weak, worked like a treat! took everyone by surprise

  • Corleones enemies underestimated them
  • Greene openly insulted the Corleones
  • drew out the traitors
  • fooling the other Dons
  • Barzini had already started chiseling into Tessio's territories
  • the smirking Carlo thinking he had got away with Sonny's murder set up

1. Why did Barzini target Tessio, chiseling into his territories not Clemenza's?
2. Did Barzini figure Tessio more likely would betray the Corleones than Clemenza?

Did Clemenza really pass the loyalty test? though or
Perhaps Clemenza was just lucky! by sitting tight and doing nothing because he was not losing his territories, got away with it? ie: Clemenza's loyalty was not tested?

Barzini attempted to murder Michael in Sicily and was going to kill Michael at Tessio brokered meeting, having already murdered Sonny So Barzini had been planning his dethroning / annihilating of the Corleones as well

Whilst “by acting strong, Michael could have deterred treason and kept the other Dons from encroaching on his territory?” It is small potatoes! compared to wiping out all the Dons, Greene and Carlo in one sweep

and by “acting weak encouraged betrayal and embolden the other Dons to take advantage?” the surprise element would have been lost otherwise

Also one less problem! Michael didn't have to deal with any infighting between Tessio and Clemenza over Corleone territories [other than Clemenza and Tessio's own existing territories]

In fairness,
1. Tessio was losing territories and it seemed to Tessio, he was getting no support whatsoever from the Corleones
2. Tessio obviously thought he was jumping the sinking Corleones' ship

However Michael did keep reassuring including ”Be patient There are things being negotiated now that are gonna solve all your problems and answer all your questions”

Tessio should have had more faith in his Don He “failed and paid the price