Originally Posted by Turnbull
Eighth Street Playhouse was one of a string of "Art Movie Houses" that showed foreign films in the Fifties and Sixties. Owned by Rugoff Theaters. My aunt worked for them. As a result, no one in our family every paid for a movie ticket. Made a big impression on my bride-to-be--she thought I was "sophisticated" because I had a taste for "art movies." My taste actually was for "free movies." lol

Unreal, TB. These coincidences have been going on for fourteen years now. Too fast for me. Anyway, yup, 8th Street Playhouse was an art house place. Same goes for the Waverly which was on Sixth Avenue and West Third Street. And oddly enough, you'd never think of the Rocky Horror Picture Show as high art. But it actually opened at the Waverly but ended up running for more than ten years at the 8th Street Playhouse. And let me tell ya, it may have been all in good fun, but living across the street from that freak show at midnight on a Saturday night was no picnic 😂.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.