Growing up with a mother that was half Italian (her father from Rome) and half Thai....I had to learn or tried to learn
2 non English languages growing up.....
Now here's my question.

When the Italians and Sicilians immigrated to the US in the early 1900s, I believe they expected their children to learn
That language with Italian/Sicilian.

But as time went on the language wasn't being passed on in the household and thus you had Italian Americans
With the last name but yet didn't know how to speak

Was there ever a time that it was required for Italian / Sicilian American boss to know how to speak that language by the commission ?

I know it's a dumb question.
But I recall a show that had Tony Spilotro on it and he said
He couldnt understand Italian.
It gave me reason to pause and think

I don't think their has been.too many mafia bosses in the last few decades that could speak Italian

Of course Gambino and Bonnano could. Luciano.
Marcello. Frank Milano. But those guys are old school.

Did Big Paul or GottI know Italian ?
How about Persico? Joey Merlino?
Of course Stanfa knew it.

How do you guys feel about the language not being passed on to the children of immigrants?