My dear friend, always such a comfort, always so witty, so funny. Never let on that he was sad or lonely. He was a lovely, funny, kind man who always had a hug and a ready ear.

When we first met back in NJ many years ago, some of the group had made a day trip to the track (including SC), and one of the horses had actually died. SC was recounting the tale, as only he could, getting a smile and laugh out of what would have been a sad circumstance. We told him that the last time we had been to the track, we ate dinner at one of the nicer restaurants there. We walked up to the reservations desk and they asked our last name. My husband gave it to the maitre d, who, despite the fact that we had NOT made a reservation, took us to an excellent table overlooking the start./finish line. Well, right after we had our drinks delivered, the gentleman comes over to confirm our last name, and looked rather worried. My husband even showed ID. Well, it turned out that a doctor with the same last name had made a dinner reservation and they gave us his table. He was NOT happy, but they let us keep the table. From the flapping about of all the restaurant staff, we guessed that the doctor was going to bet WAY more than we were, and was also going to ring up a much higher dinner bill. Well, SC loved that story and afterwards he always referred to my husband as "the good doctor".

Rest in peace my friend, The good doctor and Babe wish you Godspeed.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club