Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Some more of the listed members Paul ordered killed.
Peter Campisi
Ed Grillo
Guido DeCurtis
Joseph LoPiccolo
John Palmieri, long time friend to Frank Piccolo, Paul wanted him dead for unknown reason and Gambino approved it.
Anthony Plata
Carmine and Frank Consalvo were done on Galante's orders, not Paul. This is said to be the reason Dellacroce was for Galante being killed as Carmine Consalvo was a protege to Neil.
There are more and I am sure someone may have already compiled a list.

Anthony “Tony Plate” Plate is a mobster I have mentioned a few times in my tenure here. He was a longtime Gambino soldier/enforcer who spent a lot of time in Miami. In 1979 Neil and Plate were indicted for a murder of a bookmaker Charles Calise(from my hometown who my grandfather actually knew). Anyway Plate was murdered by the Bergin crew. I was always under the assumption that Neil ordered the hit but i assume Had it approved or maybe he actually ordered it. Anyway yeah there is a lot more to the list. I mean the Demeo Crew and the Westies did a lot of hits for Paul