A man was arrested in southern Spain who, according to the Guardia Civil, was called "El Señor del Puerto" in the container port of Algeciras. He is suspected of having been in charge there for decades of "retrieving" batches of cocaine from containers.

It concerns the Spaniard JGM (54) who was arrested together with his 32-year-old son and a figure who would have been his right hand. The man's network arranged for the additional consignments of cocaine to be removed from the containers delivered to the port and removed from the port site. According to the Spanish authorities, GM was the "boss" and few other criminals were able to operate on the port site. The network received a commission for every kilo of coke removed to the people who brought the parties from South America.

Plastic boxes
In an earlier phase of the investigation, 480 kilos of cocaine were intercepted and 21 people arrested. Among them were ten employees from the port. The Guardia Civil now says it has caught the leaders of the network.

The investigation revealed contacts with criminal organizations in Colombia, Morocco, France and other European countries.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"