Originally Posted by BlackFamily
Originally Posted by MegaMikejr
Go to Springfield they own businesses to launder their money from car dealerships to ice cream shops. I’ll give you Unions Italians got that on lock down but anything around Main Street which is a lot is theirs or the charge rent. In New Haven anything from Congress street to Grand ave to Ferry Street nothing gets built that they don’t get a piece of and I’m talking about miles not blocks & even the black gangs like KSI pay.
Largest juvi I guess gang in the Country The Families deal drugs also but ask yourself where they get it from maybe not the Gambinos but it will all lead back to the Latin gangs.
I was there

About all Chi mobs are involved in legit businesses & minor politics inside/outsids Illinois. Dude just don't know, he's foreign.

The days when "street gangs" were small timers dealing nickel bags of cocaine have been gone for a very long time. I mean, of course you still have low level peddlers, but there's people calling the shots in those gangs that definitely qualify as organized crime who are involved in diversified rackets including money laundering and local corruption.

The Italian mob won't be calling the shots in a neighborhood that's majority African American, Mexican, Dominican, Puerto Rican...etc...
Those days are done.

When I take a look at my region (the Belgian-Dutch border region) for instance the Moroccans and the Antilleans (Curaçaoans) used to have the name of "just being street gangs" but now they're involved in importing tons of cocaine as well as laundering money through legit businesses.
That's not to say the Italians over here or the native Dutch aren't involved. They're definitely involved, but they take charge in their own communities.
If a neighborhood is majority Moroccan you bet it will be a Moroccan in charge of things.