Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by chin_gigante
Regarding Philadelphia:

Mario Riccobene was never made

Rosario Bellocchi wanted to be made but wasn't, most likely because he spent most of 1993 locked up for the attempted kidnapping of Fernando Vincenti

Anthony Persiano is missing from that list

Harry Riccobene and Rocco Scafidi were both FBI informants during the 1960's but never actually flipped, testified or wore wires on anyone

The post is on mobsters that flipped not that give some infos to the Feds.

Then you need to take Samual Mannario off your Pittsburgh list. He talked with them plenty and gave them nothing relevant.

I don't believe that Dante Strollo was ever made, so he would go off your list.

Last edited by Friend_of_Henry; 12/06/19 03:59 PM. Reason: add Dante Strollo

"Never walk in a room that you don't know how to get out of"- Henry Zottola