I saw deleted scenes as extras..i am aware that there are multiple mini series versions, usualy in chronological order, that also have added deleted scenes in, i even know abou the whole Frabrizio thing, that there was a lost scene that was made during filming GF1, and scene for GFII that was saved, but also deleted from final version of the movie..i was talking specificaly abotu those scenes that never saw the light of day, do they even exist, how much of Young Vito material in particular is lost, beacuse, honestly, i am satisfied wuth Michael storyline ending with killing Fredo and sitting alone,perfect ending, but i woould like to see that extra De Niro stuf, if it even exists..then again, even if it ever existed, footage is probably lost..i guess we should appreciate what we have

Last edited by Harmonica91; 11/19/19 06:25 AM.