Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted by Gudfadern
God, have been in a difficult place now for almost 4 years in relating to this subject. Where I am now is currently that I don't know whether she "got away" or not. Such absolutely confusing times, getting positive vibes, then negative ones, back and forth and then the whole thing repeats. Anyone ever experienced the subject about someone they don't know?

I hear ya brother. I had a four-year-long relationship end recently and I'm still not sure I'm over it.

I constantly go back and forth over whether I could've tried harder to save it, do things different.

She doesn't message me anymore and I reciprocate.

I hope she's doing well. She was a special gal.

If you'll excuse me, I have something in my eye...

Seriously, I feel like killing myself over shit like this all the time.

But I don't have the guts. I need someone to do to me what they did to Jeffrey Epstein.

Know you're not alone in this, Gudfadern. Relationships end every day, and sometimes it's amicable, but a lot of the time there will be someone suffering in silence.

I'm sure someone will come along and make you forget all about her.

Thanks MT. I don't even wish to want to forget if you know what I'm saying by this.

Started getting positive thoughts again after she said no... actually she didn't say no she said 'I don't have time unfortunately' and that's all I let her say during those brief seconds. Anyway I got my hopes back because I'm convinced she replied to my message from almost a year earlier on Facebook where they randomly filter away whichever message they feel you don't want to see because of their absolutely briliant message filtering idea because her profile pic showed across a local buy & sell group I wasn't even visiting plus showed up twice in the list of people I might know - never once before asking her out. Coincidence...?

I hope your ex-girlfriend eventually messages you back if it is what you want friend.

I was doing better in that department because I got abruptly interrupted and went down even lower than I already was there so I haven't been thinking of her to that degree because all of that energy all of a sudden was put onto a crisis situation I am still dealing with now almost two years after. That was until this Sunday when I think she happened to walk past me but I never saw her face so I am not positive, either way it messed with my head again.
The very little communicating I had with her I felt a major chemistry which was even greater then last time I felt this way. I think she would be my third one that I've felt this strongly for.