The biker war in Quebec the RCMP and Cops used many techniques to defeat the hells, including helping the Rock Machine for a price, Danny Kane and Aime Simard and lots of people know what the price is. The cops then use the homosexuality as a way to control the crooks. After the peace the hells absorbed some Rock Machine members, after Mom and Nurget went away the Hells just became the Rock Machine in HA cuts. Now the whole thing is falling apart as it’s the same system just different Danny Kanes and Aime Simard. Ontario and Hamilton were never HA and the cost of the lie to make it appear that way is getting too expensive. The system expands around the world and partnered with Afghan Poppy, Canada has forces in Afghanistan. They never expected to fail also the bust earlier this year regarding finance in Quebec with HA was laundering the sex trafficking money of women and kids that was part of getting the partnership of the Afghan Poppy, that women and kids get stolen from war torn countries and moved to whenever with the drugs

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 11/17/19 11:20 AM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.