I meant to also say, the past 7 weeks I've been rewatching each season (one per week) before the Con -- and it occurred to me that I had only seen the last season (6B) ONCE, live! I'm watching it now, and after 12 YEARS, I barely even remember it (besides the ending, of course)!

When the show was airing, for the first 4-5 seasons, I'd rewatch the entire series leading up to each new season, and around Season 5 I didn't have to start at the beginning any more, but would still watch from then forward. Which means I've only seen Season 6B when it originally aired, and 6A only one more time than that! It's kinda cool, cuz it's like watching it (Season 6) almost for the first time again lol

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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