Originally Posted by Zavattoni
Originally Posted by olivant
It's never been clear to me if Castellano ever took any steps to get to Gotti and, if he didn't, why not.

I don't understand why he didn't take steps to get rid of Gotti. He was under indicement at the time so that may have been a reason.

He didn't have any heavy hitters anymore once the DeMeo crew was gone.

I'm still wondering though; Why didn't he just use the Cherry Hill Gambino's? There were some murderous guys in that crew. They had connections everywhere; and im pretty sure they would have gotten rid of Gotti; and those who were close with him. Castellano was just too slow to act..

i think that this is the main reason : "He was under indicement"
and also i think he didn't believe gotti will make a move like that