Originally Posted by olivant
It's never been clear to me if Castellano ever took any steps to get to Gotti and, if he didn't, why not.

I don't understand why he didn't take steps to get rid of Gotti. He was under indicement at the time so that may have been a reason.

He didn't have any heavy hitters anymore once the DeMeo crew was gone.

I'm still wondering though; Why didn't he just use the Cherry Hill Gambino's? There were some murderous guys in that crew. They had connections everywhere; and im pretty sure they would have gotten rid of Gotti; and those who were close with him. Castellano was just too slow to act..

“I called your f—— house five times yesterday, now, if you’re going to disregard my m—– f—— phone calls, I’ll blow you and that f —— house up… This is not a f—— game. My time is valuable. If I ever hear anybody else calls you and you respond within five days, I’ll f—— kill you.” ~ John Gotti.